Speak to me of Joy

Our art group meets from time to time just to do some art together. We take turns and host these events at our homes or sometimes in one of the many beautiful parks in the area. The above painting came out of one of these events during the fall of 2oo8. The view out of this window with the three candles on a small tray in the foreground and the bare trees, bushes and fields beyond just captivated me enough to paint it. 

Acrylic on canvas

After a hiatus of nearly 2o years I finally painted this large painting for our group's debut show. It is homage to one of my favorite artists, Gustav Klimt, it represents my feeling of beauty and magic of nature as I experience it living here in the beautiful Fingerlakes region of New York State. 

Acrylic on gold leaf on canvas

One of my older studies of a male nude, done in chalk crayon on poster board. If I remember correctly I did this in the early 80's and unlike most of my other nudes which I gave away this one stayed with me. Unfortunately this is a very poor image which I promise to replace with a better one as soon as possible!

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